NCC Holds `Talk-To-The Regulator' Forum in Bayelsa, Harps on Consumers' Service Delivery

The Nigeria Communications Commission (NCC) has taken her first `Talk-To-The Regulator ` Forum for the Year, 2023, to the Yenagoa, Bayelsa State of the South-South geopolitical zones of the country.

This event was held for the commission to keep with its mandate, create opportunities and, to interact with its licensees on industry issues and new trends via stakeholder fora.

The commission explained that the event is also to further gather relevant information that would further advance the development of the industry, while improving regulations and service delivery to telecom consumers.  

Speaking at the event, the commission's EVC, Prof Umar Danbatta, explained that the TTTR Forum in Yenagoa was originally scheduled to hold in 2022 but postponed due to the dreadful flood disaster that hit Bayelsa and some other states in the year. 

"The Commission, therefore, seized this opportunity to commiserate with the people of Bayelsa State and the entire nation on the worst flood disaster recorded in the history of the nation. We pray that such natural disasters shall not plaque our dear nation again, and equally believe that the state has made adequate preparations for any future occurrences."

"You will agree with me that the telecom industry has witnessed milestones in more ways than one, including the rapid growth in technology, which is redefining service delivery, and creating wide and high expectations from all stakeholders.  To keep up to date with developments in the industry, the Commission has equally taken measures to improve regulations to accommodate the rapid and continuous development."

"The ‘Talk-To-The Regulator` Forum is a common platform for non-discriminatory interaction on a one-on-one basis, between the Licensees and the Regulator on several industry issues, pertinent to the Licensees and of national interest. " He concluded.

The Executive Commissioner, Stakeholder Management, Mr. Adeleke Adewolu ESQ., further said "the essence of the forum is to create awareness about the activities of the Commission as a Regulator and also obtain feedback from critical stakeholders on how the industry affects their daily lives as well as the role of the Regulator in enhancing same. It also serves as an educational platform where misconceptions about the Commission and its processes are explained."

"The Communications Sector has proven to be pivotal to the growth and development of the national economy. The sector has continually ensured that the digital economy agenda of the Federal Government is established on solid foundations. It has also proven to be the catalyst for entrenching the activities of both the public and private sector in the digital space, seamlessly." He concluded.

In his remarks, Director, Licensing and Authorization Department of the commission, Mr. Mohammed Babajika also joined to itemize the objectives of the commission to organize the event which includes and not limited to; educate Licensees on their various license obligations. provide  a  platform  where Licensees  can  openly  discuss  challenges experienced in the course of operations and together with the Commission proffer solutions; provide a platform where top Management of the Commission can receive feedback directly from the industry to aid in decision-making; educate Licensees on topical regulatory issues and obtain feedback on the impact of the Commission’s regulatory policies; guide in the identification and development of new categories of licenses (for services not covered by existing license categories), and assess the impact of emerging trends in the Nigerian telecom space.

Also speaking at the event is the commission's Zonal Controller, Venny Eze, who revealed that, the event is the second, in the series of the Nigerian Communications Commission`s engagement with licensees, in the South-South, having held similar forum, in Port Harcourt for the licensees in the South-East and the South-South geopolitical zones in 2021, with a brief hiatus in 2022, due to unforeseen circumstances. 

"Today`s event provides a veritable platform for interaction between the regulator and the licensees, on one hand, and other industry stakeholders, on the other hand. It is a rare occasion that would enable the Commission to identify the challenges confronting the industry from the pragmatic point of view of the industry players."

"In other words, licensees are expected to engage the regulator, through robust discussions, with a view to identifying the various challenges affecting their operations, while making suggestions, requiring regulatory interventions, within the mandate of the NCC." She concluded.
