How Tinubu's Plans, Policies Will Uplift Nigerians — Bayo Adelabu

As our new President takes office, we anticipate the implementation of policies and initiatives that will enhance the quality and standard of living for every Nigerian. There are several crucial areas that we trust the new government will prioritize as partly itemised in the President's Inaugural Speech.

First and foremost, Security is paramount. We must work together as a nation to ensure the safety and well-being of every citizen. By investing in intelligence, equipment and training, strengthening the fire power of our Security forces, and fostering community engagement, we can create an environment where all Nigerians can live without fear.

Agriculture, the backbone of our economy holds tremendous potential for growth and development. I am confident that the new government will focus on modernizing our agricultural practices, promoting sustainable farming methods, and providing support to our farmers through establishment of produce and pricing boards. By doing so, we can achieve food security, generate employment opportunities, and boost our economy.

Infrastructure development is crucial for the progress and prosperity of our nation. It is my belief that the new President will continue to prioritize the construction and rehabilitation of roads, bridges, railways, airports, and power plants. These infrastructural advancements will not only facilitate transportation and trade but also attract investments and stimulate economic growth in every region of our beloved country.

Economic stability and prosperity are vital for the well-being of every Nigerian. We look forward to the implementation of policies that promote a conducive business environment, attract foreign investments, and foster entrepreneurship. By fostering innovation, supporting small and medium enterprises, and diversifying our economy, we can create sustainable jobs and improve the standard of living for all.

Monetary policies play a significant role in shaping our economic landscape. We hope the new government will focus on maintaining price stability, controlling inflation, and ensuring the availability of affordable credit for businesses and individuals. There is also an urgent need to harmonise the multiple Foreign exchange rates into a single and transparent "market-driven" rate that will eliminate arbitraging opportunities for rent-seeking economic saboteurs. These efforts will contribute to a thriving economy and enable Nigerians to fulfill their dreams and aspirations. 

We expect Improved healthcare infrastructure. Investment in upgrading and expanding healthcare facilities, especially in rural areas, to ensure equitable access to quality healthcare services. Strengthening primary healthcare will focus on preventive care, immunization programs, maternal and child health, and disease surveillance to reduce the burden on secondary and tertiary healthcare facilities.  Implementation of Universal Health Coverage policies to  include health insurance schemes, to ensure financial protection for all Nigerians. Health workforce development policies should focus on Investing in training and retaining healthcare professionals, particularly in underserved areas, and promote collaborations between medical institutions and communities.

Educational sector should attract Increased funding by allocating a higher proportion of the national budget to education to improve infrastructure, teacher quality, and learning resources. Enhancement of teacher training and support by Invesing in professional development programs for teachers, improve recruitment processes, and provide adequate resources to enhance teaching effectiveness. There should be Curriculum reform by reviewing and updating school curriculum to include relevant and practical skills alongside academic subjects, with a focus on technology, entrepreneurship, and vocational training.  Emphasis should be placed on girl child education through Implementation of policies that promote and support access to education for girls, including scholarship programs, safe school initiatives, and awareness campaigns.

Youth Empowerment is another area of focus through Skills development by establishing vocational training programs aligned with industry demands to equip youths with employable skills, fostering entrepreneurship and self-employment opportunities. Access to finance by creating avenues for easy access to affordable credit and grants for young entrepreneurs to start and expand businesses. Mentorship programs and networking platforms that connect youth with experienced professionals and potential employers should be facilitated. Digital literacy to promote digital skills and literacy programs to bridge the digital divide, enabling youth to leverage technology for education, employment and innovation.

Given the current rate of youth unemployment, Job Creation should be specially addressed.  Establishment of entrepreneurship development centers, business incubators, and accelerators to provide training, mentorship, and access to funding for startups and small businesses is essential. Economic diversification by encouraging the growth of sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, renewable energy, and technology to create employment opportunities and reduce dependency on oil. Public-private partnerships will foster collaboration between the government, private sector, and civil society organizations to attract investments, promote business-friendly policies, and create an enabling environment for job creation. Prioritization of infrastructure projects that generate employment, such as road construction, housing, and renewable energy projects.

As we embark on this new chapter in our nation's history, let us remember the power of unity and collective action. We are a diverse nation with a rich cultural heritage, and it is this diversity that strengthens us. I encourage all Nigerians to embrace one another, irrespective of our differences, and work together for the betterment of our great nation.

In conclusion, my fellow Nigerians, let us extend our congratulations to our new President and Vice-President and offer our support as they undertake the responsibility of leading our nation. May this new government bring about positive change, foster development, and uphold the principles of justice, equality, and progress. Together, we can build a brighter future for Nigeria—a future where every citizen thrives and achieves their full potential. May God bless our nation, and may we stand united in our pursuit of a better tomorrow.

Adebayo A. Adelabu FCA, FCIB, OFR

Agbaakin Parakoyi of Ibadanland
